Category - women & motorcycling

Springfield, MA to Sayre, PA
Sister’s Centennial Ride
Black Girls Ride Kickoff Party at Eagle Rider
Sierra Rally 2016
Ride for Steak at Jocko’s!
Time to get dirty at RFK DualSport 2016

Springfield, MA to Sayre, PA

The first real day of riding started with a quick trip to the tire place to get the lug nuts tightened before I took off. If you are ever in Springfield MA, the guys at Tire Warehouse are great!  I then realized that the only GPS route that was not loaded was today’s route, even after I spent so much time the night before checking everything. So it took me a while to get out of the Springfield area. I may or may not have take a few wrong turns going through some traffic circles. My GPS and I were[…]

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Sister’s Centennial Ride

Many thanks to our friend Wayne, and fellow LABiker, for driving out our sidecar rig from California, and picking us up at the airport in Connecticut.  We took the red eye on Sun July 3rd, and landed in CT at 5:30am. We were lucky to have breakfast followed by a 3 hour nap at Waynes’ house. Then we drove up to Springfield Massachusetts to check in for the Sister’s Centennial Ride. We had a riders meeting and got to meet all the riders who would be going all the way to California. Some had some amazing stories to tell, and[…]

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Black Girls Ride Kickoff Party at Eagle Rider

I have a lot of people tell me how amazing it is that I’m driving across the county with my kids, and some people are even kind enough to tell me I’m a “Bad Ass” Well guess what? There are some other women that are even more Bad Ass than me. I saw a post on Facebook  about a local event. It looked like I had a chance to meet some other women that were doing the Sister’s Centennial Ride. So we all went to the Black Girls Ride Kick off party at the Eagle Rider in Los Angeles. They[…]

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Sierra Rally 2016

Memorial Day Weekend is our annual Sierra Rally ride, that takes place with Porterville CA as our home base as we ride all the twisty in the southern Sierras. We have gone every year since 2000, but this year would be our first with the sidecar, and the first time the kids would join in the adventure! In the past we just hired a babysitter to watch them while we were out riding. This year is the 21st annual Sierra Rally. The fantastic Lorraine Aldort organizes the hotel, the catering company, and provides maps and such for all of the[…]

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Ride for Steak at Jocko’s!

“…Lovely watching the elegant yellow Tug negotiate said twisties with precious cargo aboard, while squids launch themselves over guardrails failing at same test. This I will never forget….”    George B.   My husband grew up on a cattle ranch in the sand hills of Northeast Nebraska, where they grow their own corn, soy, and alfalfa to feed their cattle. He states that the best steak he has ever had is at Jocko’s Steak House in Nipomo, CA.  Our motorcycle club, LABikers, tries to get up to Jocko’s once a year, and we make a 2 day trip out of[…]

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Time to get dirty at RFK DualSport 2016

Today was going to be a great day to take part in the Southern California Ride for Kids Dual Sport. Why is that you say? Well two reasons, and both were exciting. Today’s ride was my friend Steve Squire’s first ride as the new National Campaign Manager for Ride for Kids. So a bunch of us LABikers were on hand to help support Steve as well as the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. The second reason was rain was in the forecast!! Rain? In California? Inconceivable!! Last year at LA Barstow to Vegas banquet I had won a full Icon Raiden suit[…]

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